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Everything You Need To Know About At-Home Therapeutic Virtual Reality

You may have heard of virtual reality games where people wear a headset and enter a virtual world. However, did you know that virtual reality can help patients with medical needs? Here's what you need to know about at-home therapeutic virtual reality.

What is virtual reality?

Virtual reality (VR) is a simulated experience that can be similar to or completely different from the real world. VR can include applications for entertainment and education purposes.

How does virtual reality work?

A person using virtual reality equipment is typically immersed in a computer-generated environment that replicates or simulates a physical presence in places, objects, or events. The person wearing the VR headset typically experiences sensations of touch and sight as if they are present in the simulated environment.

How is virtual reality beneficial in a medical setting?

At-home therapeutic virtual reality is a new and promising technology with the potential to improve mental and physical health. A growing body of research suggests that VR can be used to effectively treat conditions like anxiety, phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), pain, and more.

What is at-home therapeutic virtual reality?

At-home therapeutic virtual reality is a type of VR that is specifically designed for use in a clinical or therapeutic setting. Therapeutic VR has been found to be an effective treatment for a variety of mental and physical health conditions.

What are the benefits of at-home therapeutic virtual reality?

There are many potential benefits of at-home therapeutic virtual reality, including:

  • Treat. VR can be used to effectively treat conditions like anxiety, phobias, PTSD, pain, and more.
  • Drug-free. VR is a non-invasive and drug-free treatment option.
  • Potential. VR is a relatively new technology, so there is a lot of potential for further research and development.
  • Affordable. VR is accessible and affordable for many people.
  • Reduce stress. VR can help to reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Increase physical activity. VR can help to increase physical activity levels and reduce sedentary behavior.
  • Improve sleep. VR can help to improve sleep quality and quantity.

Additionally, VR has the potential to improve mental and physical health in a number of ways.

How can you manage pain with virtual reality?

There are a number of ways to manage pain with VR, including:

  • Redirecting attention. VR can help to redirect attention away from pain.
  • Distracting from pain. VR can help to distract from the pain.
  • Relaxing the body. VR can help to relax the body and reduce tension.
  • Creating a sense of control. VR can help to create a sense of control over pain.

Furthermore, VR can help to manage pain by reducing the need for pain medication. 

At-home therapeutic virtual reality is a new and growing space that shows great potential in terms of helping patients. If you want to learn about in-home therapeutic virtual reality, talk to your medical provider today.

To learn more, contact a company like AppliedVR.
